Select Writing Samples

Below, you’ll find an assortment of my writing samples. These carefully selected pieces showcase my versatility and skill as a writer. From academic theses, peer-reviewed articles to blog articles, labs, assignments, and instructional writing, each sample offers a unique reading experience.

Critiq Articles

From December 2022 to June 2023, I contributed to the Critiq blog.

Freelance Writing Work

I completed a few freelance opportunities as a side hustle. I undertook various tasks such as blog writing and the development of labs and assignments.

Due to confidentiality agreements, I am unable to publicly showcase the specific projects I worked on. However, I would be delighted to provide comprehensive details and engage in a thorough discussion about these experiences during an interview.

Computer Science Course – Labs and Assignments

During my time in grad school, I had the privilege of designing an extensive set of 24 labs and assignments for a computer science course at Laurentian University. The purpose of this series was to guide students through a progressive learning experience in User Interface Design and how to use Figma.

The labs were crafted to provide hands-on practice, allowing students to delve into various scenarios and gain a comprehensive understanding of User Interface Design. Meanwhile, the assignments were thoughtfully designed to assess their understanding of the learning objectives acquired throughout the labs.

Here’s a sample of those works:

RachellethePM Blog

Well, this one’s easy! Head over to my blog!

Masters Thesis

For my thesis, I investigated how nurses interact with medical devices. I aimed to better understand how errors are made by nurses and what we can do to minimize them given the criticality of those errors on their patients.

Here’s the full version!

Peer-Reviewed Article

For my thesis, I investigated how nurses interact with medical devices. I aimed to better understand how errors are made by nurses and what we can do to minimize them given the criticality of those errors on their patients.

Here’s the full version!